Trouble With Your Toddler’s Appetite? Here Are Super Food Tips To Pump Up Their Food Cravings

  • Sumo

Nothing makes parents happier than a “piggish” young one who keeps asking for more. This is because the food is the main source of nutrients for everyone. Sadly, some toddlers snub the healthful batch that could help boost their immunity. The following tips will help provoke your child’s taste buds at any stage:

  • Initiation to solid food matters a lot

During the transition from breast milk to solid foods, most parents feed their children only what they like. This encourages them to be picky eaters. Picky eating predisposes them to health complications such as obesity. Initiating them with healthier options such as fruits and veggies will give them the perfect head start.

  • Food is fun

Toddlers turn voracious immediately they see visually appealing food. With the tons of food art recipes on the internet, being creative with healthy picks is a piece of cake.

Stock up with a variety of fruits for mid day and mid afternoon snacks. This gives them the option of snacking on a cold apple instead of an ice pop.

You could also decorate a plate of colorful fruits. Their ready and willing minds will lure them into trying all of them.

  • Set a good example

If you are a fan of music, your child will develop an affinity to melodies when they are still in the womb. Same with food, watching what you eat will influence your child’s feeding habits a lot. Help them understand the value attached to each type of food. Teaching them how to differentiate real meals from snacks will also be a great lesson.

  • Chunky could mean healthy

Unlike grownups, a chubby physique in toddlers indicates good health. They will have plenty of time to shed off the extra weight. So if they want a second helping, so be it!

However, it is always wise to consult your pediatrician regularly to check if their weight could adversely affect any of the major development steps.

About the Author

Super Mom
I am a mom who loves my kids!

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